Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Service to assist with complex diagnosis seeking seed investors and web developers

Berkeley, CA: ComplexDx, a startup that is building a marketplace to facilitate the resolution of complex diagnoses, is seeking seed investors and web developers to help complete product development and launch their innovative service. The company believes that this service could offer a revolutionary way to help the innumerable patients who are unable to find a diagnosis for an extended period of time (see previous posts and links on due to the complexity or rarity of their cases. The company believes that this issue comes down to a matching problem, with a successful diagnosis requiring a patient with a complex or rare condition to find the doctor with the unique expertise, experience, and insight to recognized and diagnose it. ComplexDx would essentially reverse the diagnostic search by allowing patients to post detailed cases and giving doctors both the mechanism and incentive to find the patients they are uniquely able to diagnose. This will more rapidly and effectively foster the appropriate patient-doctor match for successful diagnoses in complex cases, leading to lower medical costs, better health outcomes, and reduced pain and suffering.

The company is seeking strategic seed-stage investors who have experience with and insight into the challenges faced by patients seeking a difficult diagnosis. One co-founder has an MBA/MPH from UC Berkeley with a background in strategy consulting while the other is an MD with an MBA from UC Berkeley who has experience implementing EMRs. This opportunity has the potential to be highly profitable while helping thousands of patients in need. Please contact to request more information.